Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Do we still need Broadband?

Do we really need Broadband connection any more? The Recording Industry Association of America has filed 745 lawsuits against college students for illegally distributing music on the Internet. The lawsuits include computer network users at 17 colleges, and the suits are part of the RIAA's ongoing fight to combat Internet piracy at Universities. I've been thinking, if the RIAA's is going to pursue college students for illegally distributing music on the Internet. Why do I need a Broadband Internet connection? DSL is nice in the fact that I do not have to use a dial-up service to get on the Internet, but if we have the Record Industry going after individuals that are sharing files. I really can not conceive why I would need Broadband connection any more. I really feel like I lost one of my limbs when WinMx cease to be. I thought it was cool be able to download movies on WinMx even if they were not of super great quality, so I would not have to rely strictly on what the critics thought of movies in question. I'm starting to wonder if I should be even promoting TV Download Central. I think more and more people will drop their broadband service and only use the Internet as a source for information

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